Sunday, March 8, 2009


Finally, finally, Analisa and John took me on a run.  It has to be over 60 degrees and no snow on the ground before they take me outside for some real exercise.  It was gorgeous today and my feet are sore from the 3+ miles we covered.  They stopped a lot to catch their breath and complained of being out-of-shape.   What do they expect?  It's been a long winter.

Analisa was packing today.  Swimsuits and goggles in one set of bags, snowpants and ski helmets in another.  What is going on?  I overheard John booking me into the kennel (yippee!!!).  So obviously a trip next weekend is being planned.  But where?  A sunny spot?  Or skiing?  I'm confused.  

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Today is Ben's birthday.  He got a Physics set, and says he is going to blow up the world with it.   More likely he will blow up his hands.   I'm not worried because he often has big ideas which are all in his mind.  J&A joke about it, saying he is in "Ben Land".  Ben goes to "Ben Land" throughout the day, and it is a place he seems to enjoy.  
We have just spent a week at Tandala in the snow and ice.  I like vacations because I get a lot of attention.  We went on a walk every day.   However, it is cold.   There is so much ice everywhere that I slip and slide on it.  The kids are running and sliding on their stomachs, a game they are calling "the penguin".  
Last night we watched a National Geographic video.  Usually I get to see lions - surely I am related to them given we both have big manes.  Anyway, last night's show was called "Guns, Germs, and Steel" which seemed to enlighten J&A considerably.  Their eyebrows were raised - a sure sign something is going on in their brains.
John has been tiling the kitchen.  Seems pretty proud of himself.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ben and Sarah had a snow day on Wednesday.  CABIN FEVER.  As Ben says "it was too icy to go outside so we sat around and did nothing".  Now we're at camp Tandala and the snow is so high I sink all the way into it, and only the front door opens - the others are snowed in.   John was kind of freaked out because he is being audited for 2006, so he spent a day updating the books for 2007 and 2009.  He skipped his swimming that day, which made him the LEADER of CABIN FEVER kingdom.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another cold week gone by

Last week was boring - indoors with the cats all day. I guess I should mention them, although the are not in the family the way I am (at least this is my point of view). Their names are Sam and Fundle. Fundle is cool. Sam is a pain.

Anyway, outside, there is an "arctic chill". All I know is that I don't even want to go out for a pee. Ben and Sarah lock themselves into their rooms to study when they get home from school, and Analisa had a few all-nighters this week with a work problem. John didn't even get to the workshop which is only 10 paces away. He said it was too cold. I agree. We're all holed up. On a more positive note, the stupid cat, Fundle, it a RIOT. He makes it his job to knock over every glass, plate, and book on every counter or surface he can jump to. AND he takes baths in the toilet water. He makes me laugh. I'll get a photo of him being naughty. heh,heh,heh.

Monday, January 19, 2009

About Kennels, vets, and life on the home front

So much has happened since I last wrote.  Firstly, the family packed bags of ski equipment and PUT ME INTO A KENNEL.  I love the snow so could not understand why they didn’t take me along.   After that they surprised me by a visit to the vet, and remember only how I felt before I visited, and then after the visit.  I slept, or seemed to blank out, at the vet.  Anyway, before the vet I was in love with all the neighbor dogs, the cats, and people’s legs.  Now I am much more discriminatory.

Now, we had two computers at the house and they are always unavailable, what with four people and a dog needing to do work on them.   The only time I can type uninterrupted is between 10PM and 6AM.  And I need my beauty rest too.  Finally last week John bought himself a new computer.  I think he loves this computer more than me.  He even gave it a name:  Mac. 

Enough about me.  News on the home front.  Last week Analisa was gone.  She does that every so often.  Puts on a suit and goes away for a week.   She comes back tired, so she must be going far away.  Sarah is particularly happy these days – she has been practicing her handstands IN THE HOUSE and now she is on a team with other girls who do handstands in their houses too.   For the record, I taught Sarah how to do handstands. 

Ben is such a happy fellow.  I sleep on his bed at night.  He wakes me up every morning at 6:30 and this is the only time he is a little bit grumpy.  He is reading books about Egypt and trying to decide whether to play baseball this year.  

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Welcome to my blog. I am a pomeranian dog who lives with a family of 4 in New York. Their names are John, Analisa, Benjamin and Sarah. They adopted me from a pet store. I tried for 4 months to be adopted, and surprisingly, went through the Christmas season without anybody taking me home. I can't understand it because I am very cute and lively. I am also quite smart.

Anyway, one day in February a tall man with salt and pepper hair came to visit. We played for a few minutes, and he left. A few days later the same man came to visit with a boy of about 10 years old (I scolded them because it was a school day and the boy didn't look particularly sick). The boy liked me and kept pleading with the man to take me. I thought things were looking up. But sadly, they left without me. A few days later the man with the hair, the pleading boy, and a little girl, came into the shop. They came in and spent most of the time with the neighboring white pomeranian. Let me tell you: she was a snitty girl with weepy eyes. All she seemed to care about was how she looked. I pulled out all the stops and did every trick I had (more about those later). After the longest hour of my life, they decided to take me to their home.